• To undertake and promote studies, research and dissemination of knowledge in the fields of international relations, national issues and policies relating to security, defence and external relations, and international peace and security including strategic aspects;
  • To assist the Government, when required by it, in the planning, formulation and implementation of policies in relevant fields;
  • To function as a forum for debate and deliberation by scholars, decision makers and members of various professional groups aimed at greater public understanding of national, regional and international issues and policies;
  • To encourage and promote professional expertise in international and strategic studies, particularly among the younger generation of Bangladesh;
  • To serve as an information and documentation centre on international affairs and strategic studies;
  • Promotes institutional and professional collaboration, in particular, exchange information, views and materials with the agencies and scholars engaged in similar studies and research within and outside the country;
  • Holds meetings and arrange lectures, seminars and conferences for better understanding of relevant national and international issues in the fields mentioned above;
  • Publishes books, periodicals and reports on studies in the Institute;
  • Institutes Research Scholarship and Fellowships for encouraging studies in various fields relevant to the aims and objects of the Institute.